This involves designating a lead negotiator. All provisions of collective agreements will apply upon conclusion of this letter of understanding. If they cut funding for Edmontons schools, its not just us who will be cut. CUPE Alberta RSS Feed. , Ph: 780-426-6050 | Fax: 780-425-7753#102, 10425 Princess Elizabeth AvenueEdmonton, AB T5G, Copyright CUPE Local 302021| Site by BubbleUP Marketing, 1. Collective agreements . All CUPE members work under the protection of a contract called a collective agreement. If youd like a paper copy of your collective agreement, please speak with your steward. <>/Metadata 86 0 R/ViewerPreferences 87 0 R>> If you have any questions about your collective agreement rights, please talk to your Shop Steward or call the Union Office. Parties meet to discuss proposals. The City of Edmonton and CSU 52 have reached mutual agreement on a The Letter of Understandings (LOUs) with The mandate of our union is to uphold and defend our Collective Agreement, represent and support our members and to promote economic and social justice for members and for all workers. They will know the specific details of youragreement. M2UxYjQ2MWNkNmNkNTc3OTU5NmY0ZTk1NWNjY2IwNGNjOWM1ZDBkYWJjOTdl Collective Agreement - CUPE Local 5430 Health Care Union Saskatchewan CUPE 5430 Main Officec 1111 Osler St. Regina SK S4R 8R4 Phone: 306-546-2185 Email: Region 1 Office (Former Local 5111) 1291-100th Street North Battleford, SK S9A 0W4 Phone: 445-6433 Fax: 446-2405 Email: Generally, each day for bargaining will have an agreed upon agenda where issues from both proposals will be raised and discussed. ZGI3Njc3YTNmYTViY2IwZDFlMWJlNGYxMWI4NzAxZTYwMGM2MWJkNzg4OGQw IBEW 1007 ATU 569 Classification specifications are a generic description of the nature and type of work performed by the positions at that classification level. All rights reserved. <> Here you can find the most recent version of the collective agreements as well as the previous versions for 2012 to 2016. Collective Agreements; Bargaining; Updates/Events. Edmonton Fire Fighters'Supplemental Pension Guide, Representing police officers filling Constable, Detective, Sergeant and Staff Sergeant ranks with the Edmonton Police Service. If you have questions about your rights at work, the best person to talk to is your steward or local executive. This is an interim arrangement that will be in place while the City and ATU 569, CUPE 30, CSU 52, IBEW 1007 continue to work towards negotiating a formal remote work program. 2011-2013 CUPE Local 30 Collective Agreement . M2VkYmEwZjA5MjBlODJmNzU5Zjg5Y2Y5YWUxMmNjNDU4ZTgzNWY0YjJkNDE2 If you dont know who your steward is, or how to reach your local, contact the CUPE office in your area. The agreement, which covers approximately 3000 employees working for AT&T nationwide, primarily in Illinois and Northwest Indiana, was set to expire on June 25, 2022. Proposals are drafted based on issues reported by members, survey data received, and issues identified by the lead negotiator. Our stewards and business agents are here to help. The city and the unions agreed that the terms of employment of new employees would not change. Becoming a members means that you get to have your say on how your union is run. Highlighted content related to the Search main menu item. Proposals are presented to members. Elected local union leaders also work with the employer to resolve problems in the workplace. If you have any concerns about your treatment, please talk to your steward or a member of the executive. Letter of Understanding (LOU) IBEW 1007 CUPE 1540 . CUPE 30 that, subject to eligibility, will enable an Interim Work From Home Arrangement for CSU 52 employees effective until December 31, 2021. Collective Agreement Resources Collective Agreement Your collective agreement sets out your rights and responsibilities in the workplace. 2019-2020 C.U.P.E. and to city council to ratify the agreement. 2020-2023, Representing employees who perform construction, maintenance and public works duties within various civic departments. a. Proudly representing more than 3,000 support staff in Edmonton Public Schools. ATU 569 A union is only as strong as its membership, and bringing in new voices and ideas is how we build our strength! Amalgamated Transit Union 569 Collective Agreement 2020-2023 Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE 30) Representing employees who perform construction, maintenance and public works duties within various civic departments. Edmonton Police Association 2018-2020Collective Agreement, Representing employees filling Superintendent and Inspector ranks with the Edmonton Police Service. Clause 9 of the agreement covers benefits from medical, dental, gratuity, leaves, and more. Bargaining surveys drafted and sent to members. Edmonton rests in the heart of Treaty Six territory in Alberta and the homelands of the Metis Nation. Civic Service Union 52, 2018-2020 Collective Agreement, Edmonton Police Association 2018-2020Collective Agreement, Edmonton Police Service Senior Officers' Association 2018-2020 Collective Agreement, Continue to current page menu and content, Agencies, Boards, Committees & Commissions, Union Classifications & Collective Agreements, renewed Temporary Layoff Letter of Understanding (LOU), Letter of Understanding about Temporary Layoffs, Amalgamated Transit Union 569 Collective Agreement, Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 30, 2019-2020 Collective Agreement, Civic Service Union 52, 2018-2020 Alphabetic Wage Schedules, Correction: Public Information Officer II & III- 40 hour Wage Schedules, Edmonton Fire Fighters' UnionCollective Agreement, Edmonton Fire Fighters'Supplemental Pension Guide, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1007, 2019-2021 Collective Agreement, Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE 30), International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1007. NzEwYmU5MjA3NmQxZTY0MGJhM2NlYmQwNWJkZjkxNmFiZTU1NmEwZWM4ZTc5 *NEW . MzBmNDk0MTAyYmJlM2UwYjc0YTQ1MWI0Y2MwMmI4NmJhZGQ4MWU0NzkwMmVi , Retirees; 402-02; Contact; Collective Agreement. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Every child needs support at school. endobj a. If you have questions about your rights at work, the best person to talk to is your steward or local executive. All CUPE members work under the protection of a contract called a collective agreement. ZjAzMzk3YThkMTNlYWVjNjZkNzI1OTg1Mjg2NGVlYmQxN2YyMDM1ZGRiMDEy Get Social. Highlighted content related to the Sectors main menu item. Elected local union leaders also work with the employer to resolve problems in the workplace. THE CITY OF EDMONTON - and - CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES LOCAL 30 : Duration: February 8, 2015 to December 22, 2018 Please choose between the following three options: The breadcrumb trail links represent the path to the current page relative to the homepage link. Updated November 29, 2021 NzkwYzE3YTYwZGNjNDVhOTU3YjRlYjk0NDhhODBjZjE2NDMyYWJlMDA0MGU1 Highlighted content related to the Union Education main menu item. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Updates; Events; Contact; Home; Find a Rep. Find a Rep; Grievances; . You have all seen CUPE in Ontario and the 55,000 members that held a "political protest" along with many other Labour allies in November. Collective Agreements - CUPE 748 Collective Agreements Your collective agreement sets out your rights and responsibilities at work. Download a copy of the 2019-2022 CUPE 2202 collective agreement (PDF) Check back often as bargaining can shift quickly! Highlighted content related to the Union Education main menu item. Get Social. CUPE 30, CSU 52 and ATU have signed a renewed Temporary Layoff Letter of Understanding (LOU) that extends the Citys ability to retain employees temporarily laid off due to COVID-19 until April 30, 2021. YmUzYzZjMDllZGIxZjZjNmNkOGY3YmQ5NDFlODE2NTViMTEzMWQ0NjZjYzM5 4 0 obj MjQzZTAyMTM3NzU3Mzg5YjkxNWRkMDdlMzJmNDk5YmI1OWY5MjUwYjQ1ZjZj CUPE 30 Class Specs Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 30 (CUPE Local 30) classification specifications from A to Z. , Explore Edmonton. The mandate of our union is to uphold and defend our Collective Agreement, represent and support our members and to promote economic and social justice for members and for all workers. a. City of Burlington. The class specifications forCUPE 30,CSU 52and IBEW 1007areavailable online. C)\H?:;"s*q9CHlZ~gP\_>}L0N , If you have any questions, please talk to your steward or a member of the executive. Meaning that the committee is then permitted to bargain in the best interest of the members. Unionized positions at the City of Edmonton are classified into classification specifications. CUPE 30 Your local union bargains the terms of the agreement. stream Highlighted content related to the Sectors main menu item. Collective Agreements. 2023 City of Edmonton. ATU 569 CUPE National. The March 2020 Letter of Understanding about redeployment has expired and was not reviewed as redeployment requirements have slowed. The Letter of Understandings (LOUs) with The Letter of Understandings (LOUs) with CUPE Alberta represents approximately 40,000 members in Alberta with over 200 Collective Agreements. NzdiMjQ2MzdjZGQxY2QwMDlmOWVmNGYwMjgwZTIwNTFlZjJmNjhkNzEzY2E0 All Edmonton Public Schools Support Staff work in a unionized environment; the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 3550. Highlighted content related to the Member Resources main menu item. Prior to any strike action, the union must take part in a legally mandated 14 day cooling off period. Including EPCOR, Ft. Saskatchewan, Thorsby, and Explore Edmonton. . Please take the time to familiarize yourself with it. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1007, 2019-2021 Collective Agreement. The union may authorise a form of strike, up to and including, a full work stoppage. Join our team and support citizens and guests in enriching their lives through physical activity! CUPE 30 is the union that represents the municipal workers for the City of Edmonton and many of the surrounding areas. Canadian Rockies Collective Agreement (2020-2021) Pitt Meadows 2020 - 2021 Agreement. Highlighted content related to the Search main menu item. Edmonton rests in the heart of Treaty Six territory in Alberta and the homelands of the Metis Nation. Including EPCOR, Ft. Saskatchewan, Thorsby, and Explore Edmonton. NjQxNmRiZTljOTUxYzMwZWQ0NTllMTE5NWU0ZmMyODQzMTAyNmIzZGM0ZjE5 Facebook Twitter . Prior to a work stoppage, the union must take a strike vote. , Ph: 780-426-6050 | Fax: 780-425-7753#102, 10425 Princess Elizabeth AvenueEdmonton, AB T5G, Copyright CUPE Local 302021| Site by BubbleUP Marketing, Further Questions? regarding Hybrid Work Arrangements have been extended to March 31, 2023 or as per any permanent Hybrid Work Arrangement that may be agreed to by the parties moving forward. Highlighted content related to the Search main menu item. City of Edmonton recreation facilities feature world-class amenities such as aquatic areas, indoor tracks, fitness centres, field houses, fitness program studios and basketball, badminton, tennis and volleyball courts! 2 0 obj Branch 2. Amalgamated Transit Union 569 Collective Agreement , Home; About us. Ratification Meeting on November 30, 2021 at 5: . Highlighted content related to the Union Education main menu item. regarding Hybrid Work Arrangements have been extended to January 17, 2023 or as per any permanent Hybrid Work Arrangement that may be agreed to by the parties moving forward. YTg2ZDU2MDMwNTVhODVkOTZkNGUzMDI2ZTgzNTZiYWIxNzUzNzZjZTg0MTgy If you have questions about your rights at work, the best person to talk to is your steward or local executive. NTgyZGIxMWNjZTQwMzYyNzcwZTliMTk3NThlZjE5MGZiNTQ0ZTI3OGE4YWRl Updated December 19, 2022 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW Local 1007) classification specifications from A to Z. Civic Service Union (CSU) 52 classification specifications from A to Z. Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 30 (CUPE Local 30) classification specifications from A to Z. Facebook Twitter. ODVmM2Q4MjYwNzc0ZmQwYzlkMDQ0MzcxNjJjMWJlNDkxYzM2NDA3MzczNzc1 Our strategic direction to make Edmonton a healthy, urban, climate resilient city that supports a prosperous region. Download a copy of the 2019-2021 City of Grande Prairie agreement Employee Services Department This page is intended to be a central hub for members to find information on the status of bargaining. ZjdlYjAwY2U0MTMxZWJmNDlkZTYxZjFjOTY3YTc4NDEzOWMwNDA2ZGVhOWNm Main menu. CUPE Alberta represents over 35,000 members in Alberta with over 200 collective agreements. Representing employees engaged in the operation, service and maintenance of the public transit system. Collective Agreements View City of Edmonton Collective Agreements and Wage Schedules For More Information Charleen Semchuk Compensation and Classification Employee Relations & Compensation Branch Employee Services Department eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiYjViYzljMTZkNDYzN2Q0NGVjMGVkNjAxMWZmODNiYzc4 We help make every school day a better day. Your local union bargains the terms of the agreement. And establishing bargaining priorities. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 16 0 R 17 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> CUPE Womens Conference, Central Okanagan school support workers vote in favour of strike, Fords plan to expand private clinics in Ontario will cost patients dearly, risk lives and significantly worsen staffing shortages, health care unions say, CUPE 1983 condemns payment terminal outages on STM buses, Health care support staff file grievance against Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, Shared Health. Local 8 Agecare Midnapore 2021-2023 Bow Crest Care Centre 2018-2022 Edmonton Police Service Senior Officers' Association 2018-2020 Collective Agreement, Representing employees engaged in the installation, construction, maintenance, repair or operation of electrical or communications equipment for various civic departments. L Drive: Negotiations/Neg City/2023 CUPE LOCAL 30 - CITY OF EDMONTON BARGAINING 2023 Our Collective Agreement expires December 30, 2023. CUPE 30 works to be a resource for our members and our community. City of Edmonton . At that time, we will update CUPE 30 employees as to whether their LOU was extended. A strike vote is administered by the Alberta Labour Relations Board, and is taken very seriously. CUPE Local 30 Municipal Workers have ratified a new Collective Agreement with the City of Edmonton.The new contract will include a 13% wage increase over a five year term, as well as improvements . ODQ1NDc3YTVlODFlMDQzNmQxMjZkOTcyMmYwM2VkMDU3OTJiMTI4ZTI5YzI3 Less support for each child and less individual attention, Bigger class sizes and a bigger risk of falling behind, Fewer education professionals to help kids in our classrooms, libraries, and cafeterias. CUPE 748 Collective Agreement - Expires June 30, 2022 All CUPE members work under the protection of a contract called a collective agreement. IMPORTANT choosing to accept or reject a work stoppage does not necessarily mean that there will be a work stoppage. N2NlMmNkMDRmOTczNGEyZmJhZDAzYWFjYjQ3OWE0YTM2NTEyZDdjODdiYjY1 CUPE Local 30. Updated August 9, 2022 The City and the Unions agreed that there will be no change to the terms of employment for staff currently redeployed. Successes achieved by one union can impact working conditions in all sectors of the economy. , NWRlNmQyYjM2OTVlNmRhYzViNzIyZDY1MjFhYTViNzNkYTlhNGZhMTY1ZmI3 -----END REPORT-----. Menu. ZjliMzg0NWM1OGM1NmU4NzBhMWIxYTBkIn0= The City of Edmonton and all Unions have reached mutual agreement on a Highlighted content related to the Member Resources main menu item. CUPE | 1375 St. Laurent Blvd. EPCOR . Collective agreements - CUPE 2202 & 2202.01 Collective agreements Your collective agreement sets out your rights and responsibilities at work. Updated April 14, 2021 An updated Letter of Understanding about Temporary Layoffs has been reached between The City of Edmonton (the City) and Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 30; Civic Service Union 52; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 1007; Edmonton Fire Fighters Union; Amalgamated Transit Union Local 569 and Amalgamated Transit Union Local 569, DATS Unit (collectively, the Unions). If you have any concerns about your treatment, please talk to your steward first. ATU 569 This is an interim arrangement that will be in place while the City and CSU 52 continue to work towards negotiating a formal remote work program. #300, 10235 124 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5N 1P9, Wear a green square to show solidarity against Islamophobia, DONT MISS OUT on Early Bird Pricing! All Rights Reserved 2019. Highlighted content related to the Issues & Research main menu item. CUPE 30 is the union that represents the municipal workers for the City of Edmonton and many of the surrounding areas. Stories about bringing our city vision to life. that, subject to eligibility, will ensure that employees will be compensated for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30 according to existing statutory holiday wording in the collective agreements. NGM0MTcyMjY4Y2I2NzY0Nzc4OGJjMzVhZWM4NmUzY2U5OTE3NDhlOGE0OTZh NjllZjIyNmI4ZWVlYWVkODRkYzc1MmFkMzQxY2JiNmEzMzVjYWFkNDUxZmJm Maple Ridge 2012 - 2016 Agreement. Proposals are exchanged at the first meeting between parties. A party must apply for mediation to discuss, to attempt to avert a work stoppage. CUPE 1540 Executive; Committees; News; Resources. CUPE Local 30. Civic Service Union 52, 2018-2020 Alphabetic Wage Schedules, Representing employees who are assigned to fire protection, investigation, inspection and support services for the City of Edmonton. Our strategic direction to make Edmonton a healthy, urban, climate resilient city that supports a prosperous region. 2014-2018 CUPE Local 30 Collective Agreement . MDU2MTMxODU1NDAwMjI0NzVhMThjZTA2NmIwZTU3NWI2OGYyNDllZTgwMDk3 2011-2013 CUPE Local 30 Collective Agreement TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE If there are discrepancies between the on-line version and a printed . NDc0ZjdhZTBkYmYxN2NiYmU1NWJkNGExYjc4NWZmODY5ZTIwODhlNTMxOTEy The collective agreement expires Jan. 31 and the CUPE bargaining committee filed for conciliation on Jan. 3. Ottawa, Ontario K1G 0Z7 Tel: (613) 237-1590 Fax: (613) 237-5508 Toll free: (844)237-1590. YjY2MzkwODZkMDliZGM0OTZhYTYxMjI0NmQ2MDg4MzZiYTk3Y2I4N2VlOTk4 NmQ1NDU3Y2VjMTIzZGYzOTI3ZDJlOTMwOGQ3N2JhYWRmNTEzNGQwZmVmNzc2 Stories about bringing our city vision to life. Updated September 21, 2021 VICTORIA - CUPE 50, representing municipal workers in Victoria, and the City of Victoria reached a tentative agreement last Thursday (October 13) after two days of mediation. Union officers understand that people must work together to solve problems, and unions are a mechanism for doing so. 3 0 obj This is an interim arrangement that will be in place while the City and ATU 569, CSU 52, IBEW 1007 continue to work towards negotiating a formal remote work program. Both sides arrive at an agreement. CUPE National. x4GW$JOO"}#h# :5[0?CwV>UFFkA. Highlighted content related to the Campaigns main menu item. But Jason Kenney and the UCP dont get it. Thats what we do. Learn about the committees of CUPE 3550 and how they serve members. The bargaining committee is the primary method of oversight during negotiations. #300, 10235 124 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5N 1P9, Wear a green square to show solidarity against Islamophobia, DONT MISS OUT on Early Bird Pricing! MDQ1ODVlM2VkNzM3YjhlYmM4N2I1Y2QxNTQ1MGFkMTA5MmFkZWE0Y2NjOTll During this time the union will hold frequent members updates and will coordinate picket lines from a centralised locationc. In addition to our monthly meetings, CUPE 30 hosts events for members entertainment or for charitable purposes. October 17, 2022. If you have any concerns about your treatment, please talk to your steward or a member of the executive. CUPE Local 917 April 1, 2019 - March 31, 2022 - (updated March 30, 2021) CUPE Local 951 April 1, 2019 - March 31, 2022 - (updated Feb. 16, 2021) . 1540 executive ; Committees ; News ; Resources support Staff in Edmonton Public Schools CUPE bargaining cupe 30 collective agreement city of edmonton the. And maintenance of the agreement covers benefits from medical, dental, gratuity, leaves, and issues by... A unionized environment ; the Canadian union of Public employees ( CUPE ) local 3550 about treatment. All CUPE members work under the protection of a contract called a collective agreement your collective agreement sets cupe 30 collective agreement city of edmonton... Between the on-line version and a printed there are discrepancies between the on-line version and a printed a.. Working conditions in all Sectors of the economy working conditions in all Sectors of the agreement Public Schools get... 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